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02 February 2024 (22:00)
Spinning Wheel Add To Website You Can Win Points
02 February 2024 (22:00)
Titan Vocation Removed From Shop and will Add after 2 Weeks
02 February 2024 (22:00)
To use Demi You need to be any Normal vocation level 950K or higher
02 February 2024 (22:00)
To use Titan You need to be Demi Guard level 950K or higher
02 February 2024 (22:00)
Upgrade System add to Server, Now You Can Loot items from Boss and Upgrade Dust To upgrde your items
02 February 2024 (22:00)
Kill Monster Tasks to go to Boss decreased To All boss maximum task is 200 + add More Tasks with it
02 February 2024 (22:00)
Some Edit Done To items image.

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